Monday, 19 March 2007

About Me

Hi everyone
My name is Ray and I’m the course student for Text & Oral 2 here on the Diploma in English at Unitec.
I am originally from China and have been in New Zealand for just over 8 months. I came alone, which is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me. However, there isn’t any relatives of me in New Zealand except a cousin who is a citizen.
I grew up in a small town called LeCong near the center of Guangdong in a flourishing somewhat rich part of China in the south of the country in the county of ShunDe.
Before I moved to New Zealand I lived in my hometown, which is where I have attended my primary and secondary school for 12 years. I have traveled a lot in China and never been to other countries. You can see my family in the photo of me outside the building of Emper Qin's Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses Museum .
My Mum and Dad still live in Lecong and my younger sister who studies at high school is preparing for final examination of high school. You can see my family in the photo of me above. I am a cartoon fan and download cartoons every week. My other interests are watching the news, specially sports, music and playing games.